With Nonstop demandS to move fast, is your team able to FOCUS ON WHAT MATTERS MOST?

Mindfulness meditation is rapidly transforming the way organizations and teams manage the energy, interpersonal relationships, and leadership effectiveness of every person on their team.   

Train yourself, your team, and your organization to manage their big picture perspective, stress levels, sense of clarity, and burnout rate.

“The main business case for meditation is that if you’re fully present on the job, you will be more effective as a leader, you will make better decisions and you will work better with other people. I tend to live a very busy life. This keeps me focused on what’s important.”
— Bill George, Goldman Sachs Board Member, Former CEO of Medtronic, Harvard Business School Professor

Proven Research Benefits

  • “2/3 of the effectiveness of business leaders comes from their EQ rather than their IQ or level of work experience.”
    -Daniel Goleman, Psychologist and author of the NYT best-seller "Emotional Intelligence”

  • "Eighty percent of organizations believe their employees are overwhelmed with information and activity at work (21 percent site this issue as urgent), yet fewer than 8 percent have programs to deal with the issue. 
    Deloitte Human Capital Trends Report

  • General Mills found that mindful leadership practice led to:
    - 83% of participants ‘taking time each day to optimize personal productivity’ (up from 23% before starting to practice) 
    - 82% percent now make time to eliminate tasks with limited productivity value (up from 32%)
    - 80% senior execs reported a positive change in their ability to make better decisions
    - 89% senior execs said they became better listeners

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